What will it be about?

If we look around, a lot of people have problems with metabolism, overweight, high blood pressure, high sugar and insulin. Diabetes statistics are growing on a regular basis. The health service does not offer any solutions, only other ineffective drugs to suppress symptoms. The official explanation is based only on hypotheses, does not look for real causes and only tries to earn and retain patients.

Diabetes in Czech Republic steadily rising like everywhere else. 

If this state does not suit you and you want to learn something about the results of real scientific knowledge, get acquainted with the content of interesting scientific studies and work with me to look for the root causes of the current deplorable state, then we will certainly find some solutions, know the causes and context.

E.g. the onset of the disease leading to type 2 diabetes is the result of metabolic changes lasting 15 years before the official diagnosis. 

We will show a simple diagnosis of these changes and simple preventive actions to prevent the disease, all from available scientific studies. The human body and life in general is a wonderful thing. Our body has an incredible intelligence that it has accumulated over millions of years of development. The basic unit of life is the cell. It itself has incredible intelligence, communication skills and, of course, an incredible number of sensors, much more than we have ever consciously had. We use only eyes, ears, touch, smell, taste, we feel warmth and cold. The cell has thousands of sensors. It also has its "brain", it is able to solve a lot of problems on its own and survive. The question is whether cells also do not have some form of cellular consciousness. We can't judge that. In any case, it can survive even difficult conditions and does not cut a branch under itself, as people can. 

So it will be mainly about us, our food and drink, the environment and our thinking. The basis of all diseases are three types of stress - chemical, physical and emotional. Here we will mainly discuss the biochemical processes, even though I am not a biochemist. My professional basis is the development of electronic circuits. This is characterized by the fact that 90% of the time you solve problems, why something does not work the way you thought. 

Experience in solving and finding causal connections is a great advantage in finding causes in such a complex system as the human body, full of an incredible number of regulatory loops and redundant mechanisms. I'm not saying everything is clear, far from it. But many things have already been clarified, yet the mainstream is still entrenched in past false hypotheses and therefore cannot move. 

We will show that the main problem is the metabolism of fats and the body's response to carbohydrates and sugars in food. We will also show that the solutions exist and are not too complicated. Metabolism can be corrected in just a few weeks, long before you lose weight. 

None of the information provided herein is for treatment. It only allows knowledge. If you use this knowledge, it is purely your personal matter, your responsibility and risk. That's all for an introduction.

Jaromír Janda 


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