How to avoid chronic and civilizational diseases?

I will try to briefly describe what came out to me as a solution, what emerges from research and logical reasoning, and what I do myself to avoid what we call the diseases of civilization. If you've looked at previous posts, you should know what it's all about. But maybe it seemed too complicated, or you don't want to deal with such details. You may not be interested in why and how what works and what has ever been published. So I will only present the results.

So. The most important task for us is to provide every cell, really every cell, with enough energy. Even the one that isn't actually ours such as useful bacteria in our digestive system. But I don't just mean providing fuel, there is usually too much fuel. I mean real energy, a chemical called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The fats, carbohydrates and proteins we eat in the form of meat, vegetables, fruit or bread are just fuel. This fuel becomes energy for the cell only after a complex process of digestion, absorption, entry into the cell and processing into ATP. Until this happens, the cell will live, using emergency mechanisms. It will send out chemical stress signals that will cause the release of even more fuel that will stimulate your hunger, but without functional processing on ATP it will end badly, usually with illness. All cells must be satisfied, because dissatisfied cells will poison the internal environment of other cells. It's like society, isn't it? What a coincidence. Yes, I see this as the root cause of chronic and civilized diseases.

So how will you do it?

Do not consume plant poisons. The most common current poisons are vegetable oils, rapeseed, sunflower or any other vegetable oil obtained by pressing from seeds, which all contain omega-6 linoleic acid. This is absolutely essential because linoleic acid will prevent the production of energy from your own fat stores. The only vegetable oils that can be consumed are those that are pressed from the pulp of the fruit (eg olive), sometimes from fruit kernels (eg coconut).

You can consume vegetables, but they also contain many different natural poisons, usually affecting the digestion and absorption of minerals or proteins. So a vegetable mixture is better than a large amount of one species. But don't be surprised to learn that animal products contain significantly fewer of these poisons than plants. From plant sources I myself would prefer porridges (rice, oat, but not pea or bean full of bad lectins), it's good that they contain enough water and protein. They can also be slightly sweetened with honey, it does not harm. They are better cold or subsequently heated, because they better ensure the nutrition of intestinal bacteria with resistant starches, but I definitely do not recommend instant powders. Forget about insoluble fiber, it doesn't solve anything, as scientific studies say. Only the fruit is offered voluntarily by the plants for consumption, but whole, not separated into individual components, industrially processed. The rest of each plant usually chemically protects itself against insects and animals. They therefore contain a small amount of specific poisons.

Meat does no harm if it is beef. Bacteria in cow's stomachs destroy everything unwanted. Pork and lard can contain a significant amount of plant poisons, the composition depends very much on the feed. Chicken is better served with butter. Chicken subcutaneous fat will be full of linoleic acid, so cut back. Eggs also contain linoleic acid, but their overall composition is very rich, so positives clearly predominate. Be sure to eat eggs, don't be afraid of cholesterol. Occasionally eat fish, liver or quality pate.

The numbers in the figure apply to food weights, not pure macronutrients.

The second most important thing is to set a feeding window for each day and don't eat the rest of the day, better just drink only non-sweet drinks (beware, beer is basically a sweet drink). It is ideal to keep the eating window for 8 hours or less. We do not have to limit the amount of food during the dining window too much. But it is good to prefer the order, start with a meal high in protein, have carbohydrates only after a protein appetizer (eg semi-hard cheese), eat starch meals only after a proper main meal, it will satisfy you nicely and will be the least harmful. Protein significantly slows down the release of food from the stomach into the intestines.

And now supplementation. I use this (at my own risk).

Morning cold drink, at least one hour before meals:

I dissolve well in a glass of clean filtered water

This drink is slightly bitter-sour-sweet, because amino acids are sweet.

Later in the morning, I only have coffee with MCT oil. During the day I add MCT oil, in total during the day it is one to two tablespoons. But the most important is MCT oil during the morning, before the main meal, to reduce insulin resistanceMCT oil acts as an antidote to linoleic acid, similarly the amino acid glycine can possibly act as an antidote to the herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) and the amino acid lysine against degraded lysine contained in industrially processed foods (glycation). All of these supplements are commonly available at athlete nutrition stores.

In our latitude, the sun is not high enough in winter to obtain the necessary level of vitamin D in the blood. Vitamin D3 needs to be first transformed in the body by the liver and then activated in the kidneys and other organs. It takes at least two weeks if you have a healthy liver. It's good to be prepared before the flu season. The usual winter daily dose is recommended 4 to 6 thousand international units of vitamin D3 (approx. 5000 IU). In summer, 0 to 2000 IU is enough, depending on how often you are in the sun. It is taken as a dietary supplement with or after a meal containing fats, as it requires bile to be absorbed in the same way as fats. Vitamin D is the basis for the proper functioning of many organs, it is appropriate to use it in combination with vitamin K2, which prevents the storage of calcium in soft tissues. Today, this combination is commonly available.

If you have any areas on your body that bother you for a long time, which do not hurt now but hurt in the past, old injuries or inflammation, cysts, sore tendons or attachments, usually poorly supplied areas of tissue, then permanent magnets can be applied. It is the purest and only physical way of correcting cellular metabolism, correcting cell signaling and superoxide action, restoring cellular glutathione, restoring availability of energy from fats. But it needs to be applied for many hours. Repeatedly. Just a few minutes is not enough. I use neodymium flat magnets from the hard drive connected by adhesive tape and I apply them for the whole night or even longer. Metal surfaces must not be in direct contact with the skin. If you try, don't worry if something starts to hurt somewhere. It marks the beginning of the remedy, first the pain signaling is restored, which further stimulates the natural corrective mechanisms. I recommend supporting the magnets by lubricating the treated area with ozonized olive oil (see paragraph at the end).

The current health care system does not know the causes of chronic or civilizational diseases. If it is true that the poisons in our diet can easily deprive our cells of energy, then solving this problem must naturally lead to an improvement in the function of each cell, and thus in the overall health of a person. It will not be possible without changes in life, but I think it is worth the test. After all, it's neither too complicated nor too expensive, don't you think?


See how important it is to breathe correctly, lightly and with your mouth closed. Toxins turn on pseudohypoxia and we react to this by taking deeper and more frequent breaths, thereby depriving the periphery (and brain) of oxygen. The fix is simple, but it needs your participation.

With age, the activity of enzymes that create nitric oxide (NO) in blood vessels decreases, which is why blood pressure rises. Nitric oxide is also formed in the nasal cavities. And that is the way to get more NO into the blood by holding the breath and through the lungs without needing any dietary supplements. We can mention one such simple exercise. Inhale slightly, keep your mouth closed and close your nostrils with your fingers. Now, in such a closed respiratory system, try to grunt briefly using the diaphragm. It is about vibrating the air and cavities. Repeat this short grunt about every second for as long as you can without relaxing the nostrils. It should gradually go up to 30 times on one breath. It wants to you keep calm and well-being. When you need more air, inhale the accumulated NO and CO2 first, hold for a moment before exhaling. You can repeat this as often as you like, it doesn't cost you anything. In addition, the increased content of NO in inhaled air is likely to improve the activity of NOS and the own production of NO in the blood vessels.

Additional supplement:

It might be a good idea to add a teaspoon or two of sodium acetate (or few spoons of vinegar dissolved in water with milk) evenly throughout the day in very low doses. It seems that it could easily replace the missing acetate produced by gut bacteria. Unfortunately, I have not yet found human studies, only rodent. So there is no where to take the dosage, mice were given 5% of the weight of dry food. This would correspond to approx. 20 g of sodium acetate. But that is quite a lot of sodium for a person, so I would rather take 10 g, i.e. two teaspoons of crystalline food grade sodium acetate, with water in the morning about an hour before the first meal. This could restart the metabolism. 

Also, it may be necessary to have an elevated lactate level in order for vinegar/acetate to enter cells by MCT1 transporters. All rodent studies with short chain fatty acids also used sugar. Fructose increases lactate production, so it might be good to eat fruit or add honey.




Articles in this blog. It's best to take it from the beginning.

The problem with eating plants


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