How important is the lysine content in proteins?
If you have ever dealt with different dietary options, you have certainly encountered some basic requirements for the protein content of your diet. The recommended daily intake is usually given as 1 g / kg body weight or 0.8 g / kg Lean Body Mass. It may be minimal rather than the recommended protein intake, as not all amino acids are useful to the body. From my point of view, I want to show you the most interesting moments from the lecture of Dr. Peter Ballerstedt, who spoke at the Low Carb San Diego 2021 conference. It is interesting that some things that are very clear to animal breeders and used for their optimal nutrition are unknown or not used in human nutrition. And lately, the situation has worsened due to the ideology of climate change or animal welfare. The main topic is the usability of the proteins we eat. You may know that proteins are made up of amino acids. Amino acids are like the dices of the LEGO building block kit from which all life on Earth is built. You pro...