Do you have high cholesterol?

What interests your doctors the most is what cholesterol you have, right? High? So you have a problem and you will have clogged blood vessels and you will have a heart attack soon! Really? What is happening around cholesterol is the blatant manipulation of people. First of all, it's not about cholesterol at all. These are lipoprotein particles. I have already mentioned them here, they are such a little trucks for the transport of fats and, for example, fat-soluble vitamins and also a building material called cholesterol. You know these particles as "good" HDL cholesterol and "bad" LDL cholesterol. Leaving aside HDL, it's clear that the more you have it the better. Surprisingly, there is no dispute about that. To understand what LDL is, we need to look at it's CV. It is not born as LDL, but is formed as a particle of VLDL. The VLDL truck is created in the liver so that water-insoluble substances, especially fats, can be transported through the blood th...