How to make fructose in the liver, but you better not do it!

In one of my previous posts , I looked at the work of Richard Johnson, who claims that we have something like a fat switch in our body. While it is turned off, the body works normally and burns fat. If you inadvertently turn it on, you will store more fat and burn less. We also learned from him that the easiest way to turn it on is to quickly flood the liver with sugars dissolved in water, ie with the help of sweet drinks. If we start to look in more detail at what process we will actually start, we will find this interesting enzymatic pathway (production line), which resides in liver cells and other organs that have glucose intake independent of insulin levels. This enzymatic pathway can convert glucose, generally considered a good and harmless sugar, into fructose, which according to research is considered to be one of the causes of metabolic problems such as obesity, diabetes, heart attack, etc. It is called the polyol pathway . Quotation from Wikipedia (you can skip it, if you wan...