How to get fat? Just plug in the peroxisomes!

The epidemic of obesity and metabolic disorders is in full swing, only no one really knows why. If you look at old films or photographs, you will find very few people who are a bit overweight, even in affluent society. People ate what they wanted. Sugar consumption was on the rise, but it manifested itself more in rotten teeth than obesity. But today? Do you think that's been solved? Why, despite constant sports and weight training with a relatively high risk of injury or damage to some part of the body, the obesity curve in the population continues to rise. Where is the cause? Recently, a theory has emerged that the AhR receptor may be behind this. This receptor switches on when we eat and off after we eat. However, in obese people, this receptor never turns off. It has to do with the poisons in our food, e.g. dioxins reliably switch on this receptor. If you are interested, listen to the YouTube video series created and still being created by Brad Marshall. Maybe we'll look a...