Stop the CO2 producing enzymes in the fat cells and don't be surprised if you get fat!

Today's post loosely follows on from the previous one , as it will again be about the mitochondrial glutathione antioxidant system, which is an integral part of the oxidative phosphorylation system, i.e. obtaining energy through combustion. The antioxidant system of the mitochondria converts the resulting hydrogen peroxide into exhaled CO2 and thus enables the cell to obtain and breathe oxygen. F at cannot be burned w ithout the antioxidant system that mediates this. It is also no coincidence that lack of oxygen is signaled by the increased production of hydrogen peroxide H2O2 in the mitochondria , it is part of the regulation of breathing. It's that simple, either you exhale carbon in the form of CO2, or you build it into your own body. There is no other possibility. Well, except for the ketogenic diet, where you exhale it as acetone and pee it out as ketones, but that's not what this post will be about. It's just that if you don't breathe out the carbon, it takes...