How to fight chronic inflammation and obesity? Try to breathe less and better!

Breathing, probably one of the most important activities we perform. But at the same time, it is also an activity that we consciously neglect completely and we don't care at all how it goes and how we carry it out. We don't see it! Is it possible that the way you breathe could have a fundamental effect on health, on the development of chronic inflammation, on obesity, even on cancer? I don't know, but I'll try to make some observations here. Breathing beautifully completes the puzzle, which began to appear to me about a year ago in the post " Aging as progressive pseudohypoxia ?" and since then more and more posts have been directed towards the issue of oxygen deficiency and its signaling in the cell, in the tissue, in the body. Let's sum it up. The problem starts with free radicals, almost everyone knows about them today, they are called ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) for short and they are said to be evil, ugly and harmful molecules. So we deploy good, b...