Is coconut oil safe? What about soy or olive?

How does coconut oil compare to other vegetable oils? Someone recently argued on the X network a study comparing coconut, olive, and soybean oil in a mouse model of obesity. The conclusions of the study are that one would not take coconut oil by mouth. It is true that I also point out here that coconut oil contains mainly lauric acid C12:0, which can cause fatty liver because it strongly suppresses lipolysis and allows, unlike shorter fatty acids, fat storage in the liver. But it is also a way to clean the blood from free fatty acids, which modify the metabolism of the entire organism. Let's analyze the data from this study preprint a little while knowing the IR 2.0 model and you will see that things can be a little different than the way the authors present them. In addition, they provide us with further arguments by giving fat in two amounts, such as 7% or 21% of the food. In addition, they performed this on two types of mice, mice with active and disabled peroxisomes (us...