What do alcohol, vinegar and vegetable oils have in common?

You will probably be tapping your forehead, what am I making this up again. Surely they have nothing to do with each other, right? Well, take your time, something will be found. It's festive time and a lot of alcohol is drunk at this time, let's take a look at its metabolism. Effect of alcohol on glucose metabolism. Note increased insulin secretion from the first minute of glucose infusion, i.e. immediate insulin resistance. Alcohol is the fourth macrobiotic fuel. It is not usually mentioned separately, we consume carbohydrates, fats and proteins for energy. But alcohol is another separate fuel. Due to the fact that it is not normally available in nature, we have developed basically no braking regulatory mechanisms, and the body therefore handles it as quickly as the enzymes allow it. This is exactly what we are looking for, we will feel the effects almost immediately, that is what we like about alcohol. As an immediate effect, an excess of cellular energy appears in particular...