
Showing posts from December, 2023

What do alcohol, vinegar and vegetable oils have in common?

You will probably be tapping your forehead, what am I making this up again. Surely they have nothing to do with each other, right? Well, take your time, something will be found. It's festive time and a lot of alcohol is drunk at this time, let's take a look at its metabolism. Effect of alcohol on glucose metabolism. Note increased insulin secretion from the first minute of glucose infusion, i.e. immediate insulin resistance. Alcohol is the fourth macrobiotic fuel. It is not usually mentioned separately, we consume carbohydrates, fats and proteins for energy. But alcohol is another separate fuel. Due to the fact that it is not normally available in nature, we have developed basically no braking regulatory mechanisms, and the body therefore handles it as quickly as the enzymes allow it. This is exactly what we are looking for, we will feel the effects almost immediately, that is what we like about alcohol. As an immediate effect, an excess of cellular energy appears in particular...

Blue is good. What can methylene blue do?

Have you ever heard that the first truly chemical drug that is not found anywhere in nature was and is blue jeans dye? No? That's how the manufacturers of the new drugs kept it from you. Today's suppression of some information seems to have a long tradition and has been going on for decades, not just during recent "epidemics". Well, luckily today we have the opportunity to search for information ourselves, hopefully it will last. It's an interesting history. Methylene blue has been described as "the first fully synthetic substance used in medicine". Methylene blue was first prepared in 1876 by the German chemist Heinrich Caro. Sometime around 1891, methylene blue was identified by Paul Ehrlich as a possible agent for the treatment of malaria. It disappeared as an antimalarial drug during the Pacific War in the tropics because American and Allied soldiers disliked its two prominent, but reversible, side effects: blue or green urine and blue discoloration ...

There is no fattening like fattening, try super fattening with vegetable oils (activate NOX2)!

We have already shown here that the problem arises when fat cells "get wild"  and stop listening to external signals, turn on hypoxia, activate HIF-1α and turn on fat formation (lipogenesis). The triggering of this state is activated by excess fuel, lack of oxygen, excess hydrogen peroxide, lack of glutathione and mainly by the activity of the enzyme DECR , which metabolizes polyunsaturated fats, especially omega-6 with unsaturated bonds in even positions, and pathologically reduces metabolic insulin resistance . Activation of NADPH oxidase (NOX) and signaling by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). We also showed that NOX enzymes, which create hydrogen peroxide on the outside of the cell membrane, let glucose into cells just like insulin. If this activity is only short-term, it is part of normal regulatory mechanisms. However, long-term activation is very bad, continuous production of H2O2 not only enhances catalase activity, it also leads to the degradation of polyunsaturated fats in...