What causes atherosclerosis?

I have already discussed here several times that the main actor in the formation of narrowed blood vessels and plaque is not cholesterol, as official medicine still tells us, but oxidative stress. I showed that oxalic acid (oxalate) and its neutralization by calcium in food play a big role here . In this post, I will continue following the trail of the AMPK enzyme, which controls the phosphorylation of very important enzymes related to some civilization diseases. For example, it phosphorylates the enzyme ACC and thus suppresses the formation of new fats and thus solves obesity. AMPK suppresses hepatic glucose production and gluconeogenesis and thus resolves diabetes . And in this post we will see how activation (phosphorylation) of AMPK reduces oxidative stress on the inner surface of blood vessels (endothelium) and thus suppresses atherosclerosis. So I am continuing the serie that monitors the effects of acetate on the metabolism of liver and fat cells, brain cells and now also vascu...