Is a pulsed magnetic field (PEMF) a solution to benign prostatic hyperplasia?

It was before Christmas. Grandpa suddenly started having trouble urinating. Nothing extraordinary at his age, but you know, just a pandemic everywhere, so he didn't want to go anywhere with it. He tried some teas, which temporarily helped, but the problems remained. So I started looking for some scientific studies that would suggest a solution. And since I was already interested in a pulsed magnetic field few years ago to treat, for example, badly growing fractures, the artificial intelligence of the search engine also offered me a study comparing classical drug treatment with experimental pulsed magnetic field treatment. And wonder of the world, all three studies I found showed statistically significant efficacy (i.e., the results are not random). In addition, long-term follow-up has been shown to improve for several months after therapy, in contrast to drugs that still need to be taken. What exactly is a pulsed magnetic field? From the name, it is clear that it will be short puls...