Is a pulsed magnetic field (PEMF) a solution to benign prostatic hyperplasia?

It was before Christmas. Grandpa suddenly started having trouble urinating. Nothing extraordinary at his age, but you know, just a pandemic everywhere, so he didn't want to go anywhere with it. He tried some teas, which temporarily helped, but the problems remained.

So I started looking for some scientific studies that would suggest a solution. And since I was already interested in a pulsed magnetic field few years ago to treat, for example, badly growing fractures, the artificial intelligence of the search engine also offered me a study comparing classical drug treatment with experimental pulsed magnetic field treatment. And wonder of the world, all three studies I found showed statistically significant efficacy (i.e., the results are not random). In addition, long-term follow-up has been shown to improve for several months after therapy, in contrast to drugs that still need to be taken.

What exactly is a pulsed magnetic field? From the name, it is clear that it will be short pulses, not a continuous magnetic field, which creates, for example, a magnet in the door of your refrigerator. Such a field can only be produced by electric current and a coil.

You may think that living organisms do not respond to magnetic fields, but this is not true. It was found that even the static magnetic field of the permanent magnet increases the permeability of cell membranes, reduces pain, affects the activity and amount of enzymes and even in conjunction with a static electric field eliminates diabetes in a mouse model (very interesting study). We have encountered electric and magnetic fields for millions of years in the form of a geomagnetic field, a static electric field in the Earth's atmosphere, and a pulsed field created by lightning. Sometimes the effect is positive, but sometimes it is negative. Depending on the situation, for example, a rapidly intermittent high-frequency electromagnetic field from a digital communication technology device that is transmitted continuously and permanently does not have such a positive effect on us. On the contrary.

So, it is now clear that the activity of proteins in cell membranes and the activity of enzymes is based on the transfer of electric charges from one place to another. Each movement of an electric charge creates a small magnetic field that interacts with an external magnetic field. So it's just a question of what and how intense magnetic field to use. If our goal is to support the activity of our cellular electric motors (enzymes), it will be best to tap them lightly. This is what a pulsed magnetic field can do. The magnetic pulse, which is the most used, contains all frequencies from about 100 kHz to 1 MHz and actually simulates the magnetic field that is created by a lightning strike. It also depends on its intensity. In a study that greatly improved, they used a pulse with an energy of 35 to 80 joules. This is a relatively high energy, but only a few microseconds. You do not have to worry about exceeding the hygienic limits.

There are other magnetic therapies with a low-frequency, low-intensity sinusoidal alternating magnetic field. However, I must point out that while these therapies may work, they are basically not very different from the static field of a permanent magnet. If you get a strong neodymium magnet, you can use it to reduce swelling or pain, for example, but the range of the magnetic field will be small.

Let us now show the results of a study comparing two groups of patients with an enlarged prostate, each with ten people. These groups may seem small, yet the results were clear (P <0.05). One group received alpha blockers, ie standard drugs, the other pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF).

In the picture in the table above, you see the not very encouraging results of standard treatment. No prostate reduction, no increase in flow. The table below shows the results after four weeks of pulse therapy. Prostate volume decreased by 10%, residual urine volume decreased by 30%, flow increased by 37%. These are amazing results.

There is only a small problem left. Professional devices for generating a pulsed magnetic field are very expensive. It would seem that something like this cannot be made at home. And yet it is very easy and can be done by anyone who can solder and screw at least a little. It then looks like this, for example.

What is it? It's a slightly modified classic photo flash. It doesn't even have to be new, even older ones and functional is enough. The one on the picture is new and you can easily get it, for example, on ebay. It contains everything we need. We just need to add a suitable coil, which we connect in series with a flash lamp.

We can make the coil the way I do it by recycling an old 1.5 m long power cord. When we remove the outer insulation, we get three cables, which we connect together and we get a cable about 4.5 m long. We insulate the connections with, for example, insulating tape. We wind this cable into a self-supporting coil with a diameter of about 10 cm (4")  or as needed. We turn the end threads so that the coil holds its shape. We leave the supply for about half a meter, it must be twisted so that there is no gap between the conductors. Now all you have to do is open the flash, find the supply to the lamp, interrupt it and connect our coil to the interruption. So that the flash doesn't bother us with light, we cover the window with tape, for example. And it is done.

I still have to tell the story of my grandfather. Yes, it worked. The problems have stopped and the improvement continues after three months. Great, isn't it? 

The therapy used is simple. All you have to do is sit on the coil and press the button to fire the flash every 10 seconds. With this flash, it takes quite a long time to charge. It depends on the condition of the batteries (rechargeable). You can apply several times a day for a quarter of an hour. In mentioned study, a pulsed magnetic field was applied half an hour a day on weekdays for four weeks. This simple device from the flash is weaker, you can't generate pulses as quickly. But it doesn't seem to matter at all and the results will come. You will see. 




Exposure to Static Magnetic and Electric Fields Treats Type 2 Diabetes

Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects

Effect of a Pulsing Electromagnetic Field on Demineralized Bone-matrix-induced Bone Formation in a Bony Defect in the Premaxilla of Rats

Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Human Osteoblastlike Cells (MG-63)

Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on benign prostate hyperplasia

Pulsed electromagnetic field with or without exercise therapy in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia

Therapeutic use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy reduces prostate volume and lower urinary tract symptoms in benign prostatic hyperplasia


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