Hydrogen peroxide - medical miracle

What? Hydrogen peroxide? It's just a disinfectant for injuries, isn't it? I borrowed a headline from the title of the book of the same name, written by William Campbell Douglass, a doctor of medicine. Let me cite the preface here. Quote : What's going on here? Peroxides are supposed to be bad for you. Free radicals and all that. B ut now we hear that hydrogen peroxide is going g ood for us. I have been very skeptical about this one, but so ma ny patients were asking my opinion about H2O2 that it was as getting embarrassing to say, "I don't know." I didn't want ant to give up Monday Night Football to research H2O2 , but there was just no way out of it. (The games were lousy anyway.) I was astounded to find that excellent clinical res earch had been done on the medical uses of Hydrogen p eroxide as far back as 1914! (There goes my Monday N ight Football—maybe Sunday afternoon, too.) Doctor J.S. Haldone reported in 1919 that oxygen diss olved in the blo...