Hydrogen peroxide - medical miracle

What? Hydrogen peroxide? It's just a disinfectant for injuries, isn't it?

I borrowed a headline from the title of the book of the same name, written by William Campbell Douglass, a doctor of medicine. Let me cite the preface here.


What's going on here? Peroxides are supposed to be bad for you. Free radicals and all that. But now we hear that hydrogen peroxide is going good for us.

I have been very skeptical about this one, but so many patients were asking my opinion about H2O2 that it was as getting embarrassing to say, "I don't know." I didn't want ant to give up Monday Night Football to research H2O2, but there was just no way out of it. (The games were lousy anyway.)

I was astounded to find that excellent clinical research had been done on the medical uses of Hydrogen peroxide as far back as 1914! (There goes my Monday Night Football—maybe Sunday afternoon, too.)

Doctor J.S. Haldone reported in 1919 that oxygen dissolved in the blood would probably be a good way to combat infection. (Remember that in those days infection was it. If you didn't get stomped to death by a horse, you would most likely die of infection. Cancer was not a scourge and cardiovascular disease had not been invented yet.)

Hydrogen peroxide will put extra oxygen in your blood. There's no doubt about that. But prevailing expert opinion is that it has no value. The red cells must transport oxygen for effective oxygen delivery, they tell us. But this is manifestly untrue. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, for instance, where oxygen is forced into the blood under pressure, can be lifesaving in carbon monoxide poisoning, cyanide poisoning, and smoke inhalation.

But pushing oxygen into the blood by using pressure is an expensive business. A hyperbaric oxygen unit costs about $100,000. Hydrogen peroxide costs pennies. So if you can get oxygen into the blood cheaply and safely, maybe cancer (which doesn't like oxygen), emphysema, AIDS, and many other terrible diseases can be treated effectively.

Intravenous hydrogen peroxide rapidly relieves allergic reactions, influenza symptoms, and acute viral infections. These effects are thought to be due to the oxidation of the various foreign substances in the blood.

Tumor cells, bacteria, and other unwanted foreign elements in the blood can usually be destroyed with hydrogen peroxide treatment. Peroxide has a definite destructive effect on tumors, and, in fact, cancer therapy may prove to be the most dramatic and useful place for peroxide therapy.1

No one expects to live forever. But we would all like to have a George Burns finish. The prospect of finishing life in a nursing home after abandoning your tricycle in the mobile home park is not appealing. Then comes the loss of control of vital functions—the ultimate humiliation. Is life supposed to be from tricycle to tricycle and diaper to diaper? You come into this world crying, but do you have to leave crying? I don't believe you do. And you won't either after you see the evidence.

Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Read on and decide for yourself.

William Campbell Douglass, M.D.

End of quote. 

What can peroxide be used for? That's your homework, google it. 

Previous therapies have used intravenous, administration of hydrogen peroxide together with saline under the supervision of an experienced therapist. Some people take a few drops of peroxide dissolved in water orally, but it doesn't seem like a good method. Peroxide has strong antibacterial effects and could endanger your microbiome, you don't want that. Recently, however, a new opportunity has emerged to safely deliver small amounts of hydrogen peroxide to the body. It is via an ultrasonic nebulizer. Very dilute peroxide (approx. 0.1% to 0.3% H2O2 in water with a pinch of salt, approx. 0.5%) can be easily inhaled in the form of a mist. It is advisable to avoid peroxide from the pharmacy, which contains preservatives, it is better to properly dilute pure food peroxide. Please take this as information only, in any case I do not recommend trying something like that. I hope you understand me. E.g. it is possible that this therapy raises blood pressure because it neutralizes nitric oxide.

I mention this here because we will look for possible mechanisms, why it might work, why it is not only the amount of oxygen supplied by peroxide after its decomposition into water and oxygen (this amount of oxygen is very small and does not explain the observed effects). Hydrogen peroxide is part of one of the main regulatory mechanisms of the cell's energy system.

It is becoming more and more clear that there are no good and bad guys (free radicals ROS and antioxidants), but rather two equal parties that pull on the rope and should be approximately in balance, once a little more to the left, sometimes a little more to the right. They are part of the cell's signaling and regulatory systems. Even with considerable simplification, it is insanely complicated and the details still escape the scientists. But it's slowly starting to emerge. I found this interesting study that tries to unravel it.

The main circuit for the production of ATP - green
Control circuit producing superoxide - blue
Control circuit producing H2O2 - purple Superoxide control of the main circuit - red

The main goal of the cell's energy system is to provide the required amount of energy from available sources (fuel). In a healthy person at rest, most organs burn fat. Sugar (glucose) is reserved for the brain. When moving, glycogen and fat stored in the muscles are burned. Energy is produced in each cell in the most efficient way in the mitochondria. Each cell has thousands of them. The body supplies the blood with so-called free fatty acids as an excellent fuel, it easily gets into the cell even without other activators. In metabolic syndrome, these free fatty acids have no customers. For some reason, it is not possible to burn as much fat as is offered for burning. The cells thus lack energy (ATP) and require more fuel, so there is an increase in the supply of free fatty acids and glucose. Their increased level in the blood is a typical accompanying feature of the metabolic syndrome. Because unused free fatty acids are too dangerous for blood vessels, they must be re-stored in adipose tissue. The result is increased levels of fasting triglycerides and insulin, typical of the primary features.

So how does this relate to hydrogen peroxide? Burning of all possible fuels produces ATP, which is the main product (99%). But there is also a by-product (1%) called superoxide. It is a negatively charged oxygen molecule that, by the way, interacts with the electromagnetic field. Superoxide cannot leave the mitochondria, it is a signaling molecule within the mitochondria and can be converted to hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, which leaves the mitochondria and serves as cell signaling molecules. The conversion of superoxide to peroxide takes place via the enzyme SOD (superoxide dismutase). The activity of this enzyme determines the ratio between two signaling molecules. Thus, energy production will increase the level of hydrogen peroxide in the cell. Higher superoxide production will increase the activity of SOD and increase the rate of its conversion to peroxide. The peroxide level will increase, but it cannot be done indefinitely. If we do not take peroxide away, energy production will decrease (high levels of peroxide limit the glucose entry into the cells through GLUT4 transporters, they move from the cell surface inwards and ATP production is reduced, this condition is called insulin resistance, Fix: Elevated H2O2 switches cell to anaerobic mode and suppresses oxidative phosphorylation, also shuts down or reverses TCA cycle). However, the level of superoxide will also increase, so that fat burning will also stop. The enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GPx), which converts peroxide to water and oxygen, converts reduced glutathione (GSH) to the oxidized form (GSSG), mainly to remove peroxide in the cell. You can see that without reduced glutathione, energy production from both glucose and fats is reduced. The cells will not have enough energy. Cells have the means to convert GSSG back to GSH, which can be promoted, for example, by vitamin C. To produce energy in the mitochondria, it is necessary to have all oxidation-reduction systems functional. It's like a chain whose strength is determined by the weakest link.

Sufficient levels of reduced glutathione are crucial for a healthy cell. We already know that increasing the level of glutathione can restore the cell's sensitivity to insulin. So we have to follow the trail and look at how GSH synthesis is regulated. And it appears to be an oxidizing environment that stimulates glutathione production using methionine and homocysteine. Thus, elevated peroxide levels are most likely to activate GSH synthesis. If there is enough building material, especially glycine and cysteine, the peroxide will ensure sufficient GSH production. Lack of glutathione, on the other hand, stops the production of energy in mitochondria, specifically especially the activity of mitochondrial complex I.

We already know that the most likely culprits of the metabolic syndrome are polyunsaturated fats, vegetable oils, specifically linoleic acid (LA), but probably others. They are beneficial to the body in small amounts as membrane building materials, as oxidizing environment detectors, but not as fuel. This is because superoxide is not produced during their burning, as in the case of burning saturated and monounsaturated fats (or much less). However, this means that the SOD enzyme will not be activated, H2O2 will not be produced and GSH production will not be activated. Do you remember how in a mouse model PUFA, vegetable oils deprived mice of reduced glutathione? So this is a possible mechanism.

Polyunsaturated fats, like glucose, do not produce superoxide, do not require as much GSH to burn, and cause false and insufficient signaling. When mixed with other long saturated fatty acids (eg palmitic), the level of superoxide increases, which slows down the production of ATP from fats with low SOD activity. In addition, low levels of glutathione appear to directly limit ATP production. Fat burning will be reduced, especially the rate of burning saturated fat will be limited by temporary increased levels of superoxide. But insulin resistance does not occur at first, quite the opposite. Decreased hydrogen peroxide levels temporarily increase insulin sensitivity. It may even seem that polyunsaturated fats help because they burn better and faster, give the cells more energy, they will not require more fuel, the level of free fatty acids, triglycerides and glucose will be reduced. What else could you wish for? But over time, reduced glutathione synthesis is pathologically apparent, which not only limits the burning of long saturated fats, reduces the rate of fat burning overall, and forces glucose to burn in a state of insulin resistance, forcing an increase in insulin levels. (It's a bit different, more recent explanation here)

SOD activity slows tumor growth,
vegetable oils reduce SOD activity, 
are possibly the main cause of the sharp
rise in cancer for the last 100 years or so

So what causes a slight short-term supplementation of hydrogen peroxide? It temporarily stimulates glutathione production. This corrects the limitation of mitochondrial complex I, which is the first stage of the production line for ATP production. If the digestion of the proteins is still in order and all the amino acids needed for its synthesis are available, the GSH level will increase. Older people may lack the amino acid glycine, so it may be appropriate to supplement it. Once the level of GSH is restored, it will be possible to burn saturated fats faster, the SOD activity will increase with all the positive consequences, the burning of saturated fats will be accelerated, insulin sensitivity will be restored, and the cells will have enough energy.

What is the role of short and medium chain oils in this carousel? Due to their short length, their burning rate is not as limited by high levels of superoxide and they cannot be dessturated as long saturated fats. It is likely to increase superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. Thus, they can be expected to have a stimulating effect on glutathione production. We can therefore strengthen their effect with each other by combining both stimulants, hydrogen peroxide and saturated short and medium fats, and if we add about 1000 mg of ascorbic acid, we will support the function of the entire energy production chain. We will achieve the restoration of normal regulatory mechanisms during fat burning, provided, however, that we eliminate further damage to the system by polyunsaturated fats. 

Hydrogen peroxide and nitrite against cancer?





An At-Home Treatment That Can Cure Any Virus, Including Coronavirus Originally Conceptualized, circa 1990, by Charles Farr, MD Subsequently Researched and Prescribed by Frank Shallenberger, MD Current Protocol Created by Thomas Levy, MD, JD

Superoxide dismutase in redox biology: the roles of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide

Effect of hydrogen peroxide administration on life span, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione in the adult housefly, Musca domestica

Glutathione peroxidase, glutathione-S-transferase, catalase, xanthine oxidase, Cu–Zn superoxide dismutase activities, total glutathione, nitric oxide, and malondialdehyde levels in erythrocytes of patients with small cell and non-small cell lung cancer

Redox regulation of homocysteine-dependent glutathione synthesis

Glutathione Depletion in PC12 Results in Selective Inhibition of Mitochondrial Complex I Activity 

Essential Fatty Acids Alter the Activity of Manganese-Superoxide Dismutase in Rat Heart


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