Do you have an open MCT4 backdoor, or you have a low back pain?

The name of this blog, MCT for health, is originally derived from the name of medium chain triglyceride, MCT oil. However, as I am gradually finding connections with lactate metabolism, it could easily be derived from MCT transporters, such a passable protein gates in cell membranes. I follow up on the previous post , which clarifies the behavior of fat cells and the causes of their dysfunction, which is manifested by a change in glucose metabolism and lactate production, thus triggering pseudohypoxia . So we explained that triggering these mechanisms in the fat cell is not desirable, but it is a rescue mechanism to deal with the extremely high insulin sensitivity caused by excessive polyunsaturated fats. Today, however, we find out that the exact same mechanism in another tissue is completely fine and beneficial. We even find that it causes problems when pseudohypoxia doesn't start, when the gates of MCT4 transporters don't open. As you can see, nature has given us processes t...