What is cellular senescence? Could it be behind obesity, cardiovascular disease, or even Alzheimer's?
I will try to summarize the latest findings as I have come to them from published studies, which strongly support my original idea that metabolic problems occur when a certain number of cells switch from oxidative to fermentative metabolism in tissues or cells that do not normally do this . These can be fat cells or liver cells, or supporting cells of the nervous system, but also cells of the bone marrow, the immune system, etc. A very wide range. In this blog, I have so far called this phenomenon pseudo-hypoxia, i.e. a state where a cell activates the same mechanisms as in a lack of oxygen, but in a situation where there is enough oxygen, in so-called normoxia. This condition also manifests itself as chronic inflammation, so many researchers consider inflammation to be the cause, without knowing what the specific cause is. From now on, I will call this state senescence . Why? Because senescence is the official term for a cell in a state where it has stopped its development, waiting a...