How are arterial calcification, atherosclerosis and aldehydes from oils related?

How long have we known that omega-6 self-oxidation products damage tissues, such as the liver? Long! A study from 1985 already investigated which components of spontaneous oxidation of linoleic acid are the most dangerous and what effects they have. And they identified it as the compound 9-ONA (9-oxononanoic acid). You will see below what it can do. Nevertheless, even after almost forty years, polyunsaturated table oils are officially promoted as very healthy foods, although it is true that frying has not been considered healthy for some time. However, spontaneous oxidation occurs even at relatively low temperatures, and oils are definitely not put in the refrigerator, so there will always be poisons in them.

However, it is also true that oxidized dietary fats are apparently far more toxic to mice and lab rats than to humans. This is due to the much longer human digestive system. The majority of aldehydes, the so-called secondary products of spontaneous oxidation of linoleic acid, are eliminated already in the stomach. But this does not apply to the oxidation products of polyunsaturated fats and phospholipids, which are created, for example, directly in the bloodstream. There they also arise spontaneously or, even more likely, with the help of, for example, superoxide formed during the processes of obtaining energy from food. We have already met some of them before, they are hydroxynonenal (HNE), malondialdehyde (MDA) or acrolein. These are highly reactive, they remain in the cell and are immediately attached to enzymes. This prevents them from normal activity, but they do not roam freely in the blood.

The secondary products of spontaneous oxidation of omega-6 linoleic acid in the middle row are toxic. Antioxidants do not work here and can slow down their breakdown into products that have positive effects. (My note: Oxidative therapies can apparently accelerate the oxidation of toxins to AzA)

The above-mentioned oxidation product 9-ONA is, however, much more stable, and is produced, among other things, in blood exposed to air, e.g. during injury. And it is apparently the main trigger of the complex mechanisms of joining platelets, i.e. the formation of a blood clot. This is the normal function of polyunsaturated omega-6 fats in the cell membranes of platelets. In the presence of oxygen, they separate from the more complex structures of phospholipids and trigger blood clotting. However, if 9-ONA appears in the blood under normal circumstances, it can trigger the formation of blood clots even when you don't want them to. It will therefore cause a heart attack or stroke. Look at how oxalates from spinach or carrot can cause increased production of superoxide in the inner walls of blood vessels, and you're likely to make enough 9-ONA and have a lot of problems.

The spontaneous oxidation product of linoleic acid 9-ONA causes thrombosis, the formation of blood clots, and increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

However, oxidation can continue, 9-ONA creates other products around itself. This is how we get from linoleic acid, whose spontaneous oxidation products form oxidized LDL, to atherosclerotic plaque, which is formed by macrophages with trapped oxidized LDL particles. This creates an arterial plaque structure consisting of foam cells and a blood clot. It is found that normal unoxidized LDL is inert, it is not trapped in plaques unlike the oxidized one.

Further oxidation of 9-ONA leads to the nine-carbon dicarboxylic acid AzA. It has interesting positive effects. For example, it supports the smooth burning of fats. But it often binds to calcium in the blood much like oxalates. If it enters the vascular plaque, it brings calcium there, promotes calcification and hardening of the plaque. It's a new theory, but the results and explanations of the so far mysterious connections are quite convincing.

Let's stay for a moment with AzA, that is, azelaic acid. According to a number of studies, it is really beneficial for health. Especially as an external remedy against skin diseases. In laboratory mice, it acts as a dietary supplement in such a way that it can almost completely suppress the negative effects of fatty food on metabolic indicators, body fat storage and overall health, probably by activating mitochondrial biogenesis. In humans, however, it probably won't work like this from food, it almost certainly isn't absorbed through the intestinal wall (but its esters are). Our AzA comes from internal sources, from oxidized linoleic acid, from phospholipids from membranes, from triglycerides from adipose tissue. Secondary oxidation products of linoleic acid are formed wherever metabolism does not work well in the presence of oxygen. There, a lot of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide are formed. There, in the presence of linoleic acid, aldehydes such as HNE, MDA, 9-ONA etc. will be formed and this will further increase the oxidation of polyunsaturated fats to aldehydes. But if the end product becomes AzA, then the effects can completely reverse to better metabolism. Spontaneous oxidation is perhaps better replaced by enzymatic oxidation using, for example, ALDH2, as I stated in a previous post. The presence of antioxidants that inhibit spontaneous oxidation to AzA then  does not good. So it is possible to use oxidation therapies. Oxidation of residual products of spontaneous oxidation of linoleic acid to AzA is possibly the main effect of ozone therapy or hydrogen peroxide therapy. It's all still not well researched. Perhaps this is why there is so much controversy in the scientific literature surrounding polyunsaturated oils. As far as I know, no one has yet looked closely at the level of AzA and its protective effect.

NC normal chow, HFD high fat diet, HFD+AzA high fat diet with AzA, RSG Rosiglitazon, L- liver, K- kidney, H- heart.

And do you know how to make AzA at home for skin problems? Make (or buy) ozonated olive oil. I already wrote here that the oleic acid molecule is split into two molecules by ozonization, probably some will be AzA.

As you can see, linoleic polyunsaturated acid certainly has its function in the body if it is in the right place and in the right amount. But with its excess in places where it shouldn't be, it can be harmful. New scientific findings indicate that AzA can help or at least not harm when it is the final product of spontaneous oxidation.




The Induction of Lipid Peroxidation in Rat Liver by Oral Intake of 9-Oxononanoic Acid Contained in Autoxidized Linoleic Acid

Role of Lipid Peroxide Derived Dicarboxylic Acids in Atherosclerotic Calcification

A lipid peroxidation product 9-oxononanoic acid induces phospholipase A2 activity and thromboxane A2 production in human blood

Intestinal and Hepatic Uptake of Dietary Peroxidized Lipids and Their Decomposition Products, and Their Subsequent Effects on Apolipoprotein A1 and Paraoxonase1

Protective effects of azelaic acid against high-fat diet-induced oxidative stress in liver, kidney and heart of C57BL/6J mice

Efficacy of azelaic acid on hepatic key enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism in high fat diet induced type 2 diabetic mice

Azelaic Acid Induces Mitochondrial Biogenesis in Skeletal Muscle by Activation of Olfactory Receptor 544

Evidence-Based Challenges to the Continued Recommendation and Use of Peroxidatively-Susceptible Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid-Rich Culinary Oils for High-Temperature Frying Practises: Experimental Revelations Focused on Toxic Aldehydic Lipid Oxidation Products

Dr. Paul Mason - ''Is your cardiologist a clot? Bonus - death by seed oils' (Lecture 3 of 3)


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